
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Red Riding Hood~

Last night i watched this movie....
Red Riding Hood...
It's really nice...
You guys should watch it...
It's somehow like twilight because it's the director of twilight...
But it's way much better...

Why did i watch this movie all of a sudden?
thanks to my brother...
He told me that this movie is really nice...
This is the conversation we had...
*watching Red Riding Hood's trailer*
Bro: This movie is really nice.
Me: Really?
Bro: yea lah..
Me: But like twilight only lorh...
Bro: a bit lah... Oh and the werewolf is like twilight's..
Me: TAYLOR LAUTNER?*excited*
Bro: no lah, stupid... The werewolf not taylor lautner...
Me: == ceh... don't wanna watch ady....

FYI, i like Taylor Lautner... xDDD
But still i watched it...
Really nice...
But the ending...
A bit keksui(cacat)...
I wish there is Red Riding Hood 2
go watch it k? xD

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