
Friday, November 26, 2010

Mindy's house...

Went to Mindy's house around 12...
Xue Yen was already there...
Played with Cash...
Then Cedric came...
And we watched 吓到笑...
Freaky wey~
While watching, Wilson came...
Then Stephanie came...

So there's 6 of us already...
After watching...
We walked to Yi Teng's house...
"Brought" him out and we all went to the mamak.
Then we meet Carmen there...
Yay~ there's 8 already...
This is the first time we had that much people for a gathering...
Drank limau ais...

Went to buy some snacks...
Then we went to the playground...
Played kejar-kejar... xD
I know we're childish...
Took jump shots...
Went back...
Played poker, ate snacks while watching 老师家老大(again)...

After the movie,
we went out to the playground again but with Cash...
Prank called some people xDDDD
Went back...
Played poker but another game...
Something to do with getting hit by other people, fruits, game master and stuff like that...
We took a break for dinner...
We ate Pizza Hut... =D

Then we continued out game...
And the "winner" was Wilson~ *claps*
What's his present?
It's getting hit by the hand 15 times per person!!! xDDD
Which is 15x6 times...
And everyone's hand ended up very red....

Then we started playing bluff...
Then Xue Yen, Yi Teng and Cedric wanted to go home so they left...
After that, Stephanie's parents came and fetch Wilson home...
Went to see Stephanie's family having dinner....

Then they fetch me back to my grandmother's house...
Played with Elizabeth...
Then she went back...
Yi Wen and Yin Rong went to my aunt house...
Left me, Wei Feng, Wei Yao, grandmother, yee po, jiu mu and my uncle there...
Oh plus kakak =D
But the others were asleep.
So me and kakak were watching tv...
It's 11 something only my mum came to fetch me back....
So tired...

K then...
Need to take some rest already..

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