Actually we(cf members) were supposed to go Cahaya Home and give them food.
But because STEPHANIE forgot to bring the foods....
Change to Monday~
Had my BM ujian lisan...
Shit lah~
Teacher keep asking me questions about vandalisme...
Keep asking until i dunno what to say...
Then i end up with 26 markah...
Chatted with Shuba, Mariam, Zoe, Callista and Nicole.
Weird lah we all....
Recess... Funny lah....
Today, Pauline got jamuan...
We were supposed to eat only ONE piece of Domino's Pizza...
But me, Rebekah, Lee San, Gervene and Mary took more than 1~
Some of us took 4~ xP
After recess...
Nothing to do...
Continue chatting with shuba and the others...
Then, when school is gonna end...
Davina told me that Puan Rahayu wanted to see me at the office...
So i went there...
Walk from Form 3 block...
Damn tiring....
I waited outside the office's door...
She came out with Mariam...
Then i greet her...
"Selamat Sejahtera, Cikgu! Cikgu nak jumpa i eh?"
And she replied...
I was like...
You called me just for fun?!
Do you have any idea how tiring it was to walk from form 3 block to the office?!
And you just gave me this word "saje....."?!
Walked back to class with Mariam...
When i went back to my place....
Suddenly Shuba, Nicole and Callista sang~
*En Wei~ (dudu~du~dudu~du~)
*Oh~ Honey Honey~ (dudu~du~dudu~du)
*You are my candy girl~
*And you've got me wanting you~
Er..... Wth~
Kena rasuk eh? xP
And because of them...
I keep singing that song when me and Che Yan were walking to the lrt.
*Che Yan~(dudu~du~dudu~du)...... and so on...
Then Che Yan and i keep singing this song to Rebekah in the lrt.
*Rebekah~(dudu~du~dudu~du~)... and so on...
Then three of us turun kat Pudu...
Keep playing around...
Che Yan keep tickling me...
Then i wanted to pull her hair band off but failed...
But then when me and rebekah wanted to masuk train...
She pulled mine... =.=
But fun lah.... hehe~
Okay... Nothing to say already~
K thanks Bye~ ^^
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